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Livestream #16: innovation in lighting with Digilin
Innovation is dramatically reducing energy consumption across the world with new technologies in lighting leading the change. @futurefoodsystem we collaborated with Australian lighting company @Digilin. For 40 years they’ve pushed the boundaries of what’s possible.Join us tonight as we talk to Tremaine Wrigley from Digilin.

Livestream #15: Douglas McMaster, Silo London
Join us as we chat with zero-waste hospitality icon, 50 next award winner, and Greenhouse alumni Douglas McMaster from Silo, London.
In 2012 Doug worked alongside Matt and Jo in the kitchens of the Southbank Greenhouse and went on to become head chef at Silo (Melbourne) and Brothl. Since then he has gone onto do amazing things such as opening the world’s first zero waste restaurant Silo in the UK.
In this livestream we’ll explore the many aspects of futurefoodsystem and its potential as a sustainable food system.

Livestream 14: #MissionToMars with Adam James
Join Matt Stone and Jo Barrett in conversation with fermentation expert Adam James of Rough Rice for tonight’s livestream. They’ll discuss how Adam discovered and quickly became hooked on fermentation; travelling the world to study traditional and contemporary fermentation techniques.

Livestream 13: #FoodMetresNotMiles
We are 6 months into living @fedsquare, with only 8 weeks to go. So what have we learned? Join us as we discuss our wins, challenges, food metres, and answer the question: is an urban food system possible and realistic?

Livestream #12: Norbert Niederkofler
Join us tonight at 7pm in conversation with acclaimed chef Norbert Niederkofler, whose hyper local and zero waste approach has led the world acclaim. Norbert is joining us from his home in South Tyrol in the Italian Alps. Norbert has dedicated his life and work to South Tyrol’s culture and cuisine.

Livestream #11: Glass
Tonight is all about glass - with one of Australia’s best experts from Viridian.

Livestream #10: Aquaponics
Tonight we discuss the potential of small urban aquaponics systems to take pressure off wild fish stocks, how they provide complex balanced nutrients to plants and ultimately humans. And how waking up in an ecosystem could easily be in every home on earth.
Futurefoodsystem collaborator and expert on natural pools and landscapes from Full Potential will be our guest tonight.

Livestream #9: Joost & Jeremy - FSC Timber
Join Joost and Jeremy from Breathe Architecture talking FSC Timber and why futurefoodsystem isn’t using it.

Livestream #8: Update from Joost, Matt and Jo
Join Joost, Matt and Jo for a futurefoodsystem new year update. They’ll share their highs and lows thus far, tell you about their experience living in a productive urban farm, and they’ll be making a long-awaited announcement at the end of the livestream!
Watch live at 7pm AEST, Monday 1 February via our YouTube livestream.
Image from our friends at Country Road.

Livestream #7: Spotlight ingredient: Tiger nuts
Join Joost, Matt and Jo as they shine a spotlight on one of Future Food System’s hero ingredients: tiger nuts - a food source that nourished early humans for more than 1.5 million years.
Learn about what tiger nuts are, their role in ancient indigenous diets, the ground-breaking work of Dr. Weston Price, and be the first to hear how Matt and Jo plan to use this humble nut to create some extraordinary food. View full details.
[Update 14/12/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube channel.
This event is brought to you by our friends at Miele.

Livestream #6: Walk through Future Food System with Joost and Jeremy
Wondering what’s been happening over the past month at Future Food System? Join Joost and architect Jeremy McLeod for a walkthrough of the building as it nears the end of construction. They’ll show you how the house has progressed, and answer your frequently asked questions about the building’s sustainable systems and construction methods.
[Update 08/12/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube livestream.
Future Food System’s monthly architecture x biophilia livestream is brought to you by our friends at Miele.

Livestream #5: Biochar pioneer Russell Burnett
Biochar is an incredible material with the potential to significantly improve our air and soil quality. Over the years we’ve been asked so many questions about biochar: What is it? How is it made? How can it be used in our homes to absorb toxins? How does it stimulate plant development?
Join Joost as he chats with farmer turned biochar-pioneer Russell Burnett. Hear the answers to your most frequently asked biochar questions, and learn about how Future Food System is incorporating biochar into our closed-loop system.
[Update 01/12/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube channel.
Australia is home to some of the world’s most talented innovators. Every month we’ll be championing the achievements of these local heroes on our ‘innovators’ livestream.

Livestream #4: John Ford - microbiologist and mushroom grower
Our environment has a huge impact on our wellbeing. Each month we’ll be exploring the relationship between health and bio-diversity in our Future Food System ‘breathe your biome’ livestream.
John Ford is a microbiologist and mushroom grower. His business King Oyster Mushrooms specialises in cultivating native Australian fungi for Australia’s top restaurants... and Future Food System! We’re so excited about John’s mushrooms that we’ve dedicated an entire feature wall to them in our living home.
Join Joost, Matt and Jo as they chat with John about all things mycelium, health and (most importantly) mushroom deliciousness!
[Update 24/11/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our: Youtube channel

Livestream #3: Meet innovator Dr. Matt Dingle
Australia is home to some of the world’s most talented innovators. Every month we’ll be championing the achievements of these local heroes on our monthly ‘innovators’ livestream.
Engineer Dr. Matt Dingle best known for his pioneering work designing the world’s first carbon fibre wheel. In 2016 Matt founded FormFlow, a venture which developed the revolutionary bending technology that forms the fire-resistant, air-tight, corrugated sheets on the exterior of Future Food System.
Join Joost as he chats with Matt about FormFlow, Australian innovation, and his journey from the race-car industry to designing durable, sustainable living spaces.
[Update 17/11/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube channel

Livestream #2: Hospo Hangout with Joost, Matt and Jo
Join Hospo Hangout host Monica Brown as she chats with Joost and Future Food System’s residents-to-be: chefs Matt Stone and Jo Barrett. Learn about their experiences advocating for zero-waste in the hospitality industry, how they plan to be fully self-sufficient for 5 months, and the exciting ways they’ll grow, harvest and cook the Future Food System’s delicious produce.
[Update 10/11/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube channel.
This event is brought to you by our friends at Miele.

Livestream #1: Architecture x Biophilia
Join architect Jeremy McLeod for a walkthrough of Future Food System with the building’s designer Joost Bakker. Get a sneak peak of the under-construction house and discover the cutting-edge, sustainable construction methods and systems that underpin Future Food System.
[Update 3/11/20] This event has concluded. You can watch the recording on our Youtube channel.
This event is brought to you by our friends at Miele.
Images courtesy of The Design Files